The BOOK, 2019

The Book, 2019

Please download the whole book here.

Table of Contents

Part I.  Technologies and Experiments

Chapter 1. Taylor Smith, “Uncivil Warfare,” website

Chapter 2.  Noah Drouin, “Imaging Death: Reactions and Studies of American Civil War Photography,” website

Chapter 3.  Cody Gadsby, “The Civil War, Human Devastation, and the Evolution of Medicine,” website

Chapter 4. Danielle Vallee, “A Different Type of Working Women,” website

Part II.  Morale and Motivations

Chapter 5.  Kevin Jones, “How the North Was Pressed into War,” website

Chapter 6.  Jonathan Tshibambi, “Of Songs and Soldiers,” website

Chapter 7.  Chelsey Johnson, “A Battle That Changed History,” website

Chapter 8.  John Fallon, “The Soldiers of Saint Patrick,” website

A Seminar at Keene State College