Julianna R. Benducci

Hello, my name is Julianna Benducci. I am a Junior at Keene State College and am a double major. I am majoring in Film Studies with a Concentration in Film Production and History (Self Designed). I am in my second semester of my Junior Year and am from Oakland, NJ. Some History I am interested in is Film History, Military History, Sports History, and Civil War History. I am a twin and an aspire student. I am also in a sorority on campus called Delta Xi Phi. I am the Co-Fundraising Chair and work with another person.

My topic is the Civil War and its impact on Women’s Suffrage. There are different topics within this topic I want to discuss. I will be researching the impact and how the different suffragists reacted. I also will be researching the different issues between the suffragettes and the abolitionists. I want to discuss what it was like to be a suffragette during this time and what they went through, the reason I want to talk about these are to better understand what they went through and how they reacted.

Women’s Suffrage started in 1848. The first time an attempt to organize a national movement was in 1848 in Seneca Falls. From there the Seneca Falls Convention became known and the women’s rights movement started. The women’s rights activists often also stood for abolitionist rights up until the Civil War started, that is when they began to separate and do their own things and it is often said that women’s rights movements stood still during the Civil War. But even during the civil war and directly after the Civil War there were things going on in the Women’s rights movement.

A Seminar at Keene State College