Dominic M. Lynch

My name is Dominic Lynch but I mostly go by Dom. I am currently a Junior at Keene State College studying History.  I am very excited to be doing research about a very crucial period of American History as it is one of my favorite subjects to study, right along with the American Revolution. The era of the Civil War is so vast and so complex, I am excited to share what I found. Here at Keene State, I am not only a student, but I am also a Community Assistant and have been doing that since the beginning of my Sophomore year. I also sit on the Keene State College Senate as a Student Government representative, and I am also Treasurer of my class. 

The focus of my research was on Jefferson Davis, the first and only President of the Confederate States of America. I started out my research trying to cover everything about Davis as a person, but after continuing my research I moved towards his political and military background. I chose to research Davis because studying the presidents is one of my favorites, and I think it is fascinating how the South created their own government and elected their own leaders. Davis was not only the President of the Confederacy. He was also a Senator and the Secretary of War under President Franklin Pierce. My research will dive into his career and important aspects of his personal life. 

A Seminar at Keene State College