Nathaniel T. Jarvie

My name is Nathaniel Jarvie, a Senior at Keene State College. Originally from Branford, Connecticut, I came to Keene to pursue my double majors in History and Geography, as well as a minor in Political Science. My history interest is mainly with wars, World War II and the American Civil War being my favorites. In my free time, I enjoy video games, music, walking, and driving. Following graduation from Keene State, I’m likely to pursue a career in Geography, which was my first love as a kid.   

Statue of Confederate general Thomas J. Jackson at Manassas National Battlefield Park outside Manassas, VIrginia. This was the site of two dramatic battles of the American Civil War of the 1860s — First and Second Manassas, or what the rebel Confederate Forces called the Battles of Bull Run. The first battle, in 1861, was an unexpected Confederate rout. The second, also won by the secessionists, produced carnage on both sides, but this one did not weaken Union resolve. Jackson earned his famous “Stonewall” nickname at First Manassas.

This research project will focus on battlefield preservation. Much of the land in famous Civil War battles, such as Antietam, has already been preserved. However, there is more land that hasn’t been preserved. There are ongoing political disputes on how best to manage such parcels of land. My research will analyze some examples of what has and hasn’t currently been preserved and try to figure out why. The memory of the Civil War, such as how best to handle the issue of the Confederate flag and what exactly caused the war will be key to understanding this dynamic. Focus will also be paid attention to the American Battlefield Trust, formerly known as the Civil War Trust. This non-profit organization, which my uncle works at, strives to purchase unpreserved land that has historical significance to allow future generations to enjoy it. They also work to educate the public on the history surrounding the war.  

A Seminar at Keene State College