Michael B. Fremeau

Hello there, my name is Michael Fremeau. I am a history major at Keene State College and I am currently enrolled in the Masters in History and Archives graduate program the college offers. I hope to use my degree to work in archives and help preserve history in my local region of New England.

The purpose of my research is to bring attention to why people from New Hampshire were fighting in the Civil War. This will be done by going to archives around New Hampshire and possibly Massachusetts to learn why these men were fighting in a war about slavery when they did not own slaves. This website will explore letters left behind by the soldiers and their families. By diving into the letters and examining their thoughts on the war, Southerners, slaves, and more a clearer picture can be formed as to why they were fighting. Ideally letters from foot soldiers as well as high ranking commanders would like to be read but as of now it is too early to make that promise.

A Seminar at Keene State College