Kevin Jones

I have been working with and/or for the Department of Defense in one form or another for the last 14 years. I attended Keene State College on and off between deployments and chose most recently to finish off my History degree. Once completed I plan on pursuing a Master’s degree in Network Engineering.

I plan on writing my paper on the role of media in pushing the United States into and through the war. I will delve most specifically into how the media cajoled the North into fighting for a cause that they did not have a vested interest in, slavery. How was the media able to convince the North that the sufferings of others was worth sacrificing their own fathers, brothers and sons?

I will focus on articles and images that have been published in the north and how the same story was covered by the newspapers in the South. I plan also on studying how the articles kept up the Union’s motivation in pursuing the war over the duration of the war.

A Seminar at Keene State College